Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year

Well, Christmas is finally over. It was quite a busy week. It started last Sunday with Christmas at my parents' house. Then we had Christmas Eve at Peg and Stubby's. Alex had a good time with Paige. Paige was trying to wrestle with Alex. Needless to say, Alex did not like that. Christmas Day we opened presents from Santa, then it was off to my grandparents. Saturday we had the Broerman Christmas. Talk about a busy week. Now it is time to recuperate and find the house. I have managed to find a home for about everything we had gotten for Christmas. Alex seemed happy with all of her gifts.

Jerold has been out hunting some during his shut down. The weather is not cooperating very well for him to get out everyday. I am looking forward to hunting again maybe on New Years Day. We will have to see how tonight goes first. Jerold and I are going out for a bit for New Years. It will be a small miracle if we make it to midnight. I can think of only 2 that we made it to midnight. Talk about getting old.

Well, until next time...I hope everyone has a safe and happy new year.

Monday, December 22, 2008


I figure that I had better tell everyone Merry Christmas now because who know when I will get back on here this week. Well, we had a busy weekend. On Saturday Jerold and I took my dad and brother goose hunting. We went up to Braidwood Lake Hunting Club. It is a pretty nice place. We all got our birds and had a good time. That was the first time goose hunting for everyone but Jerold. It was quite an experience. I am glad that we did go on Saturday instead of Sunday though. Yesterday was just awful.

Sunday we had the Ruff family Christmas at mom and dad's. All of my brothers and their wives (girlfriends) were there. It was nice. Alex got to play with Autumn all day. Needless to say, she was wiped out when we left. I am sure the girls had a great time though. Mom got them matching pajamas to wear. So, of course we had to take pictures of the girls in their new jammies. They are adorable.

So, now it is another work week. I only have kids 2 days this week. I am looking forward to that. I may get a little bit of stuff done around here, but who knows. I am hoping to have a living room again by the end of the weekend, but I doubt that would be possible. We will have to see what happens and how much stuff we get from the holidays.

So, we have Christmas Eve at Jerold's parents house that night. Then we have Christmas Day at my Grandma Ruff's house. My aunt Peggy is going to be home. She has not been home for Christmas for a few years. It will be nice. Then I get a day off. Then there is the Broerman Christmas on the Saturday following. We also have a wedding reception to go to that evening. BUSY!! Hopefully the weather will be good for everyone in their travels for the holidays. Well, I guess that is enough for now. I hope that everyone has a very Merry Christmas and safe holidays. By the way, Jake is doing well also. He is still growing. Someday he will slow down. I hope. Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Where did it go?

Where did the weekend go? It has just flown by. Saturday was a non-productive day. Alex and I were running errands all day. We did catch a moment to finish up our Christmas shopping and see the big guy himself "Santa Clause." That was exciting. It was fun for me even because Alex actually talked to him and to him what she wanted for Christmas. You have to love that. I did get a couple pictures of that for all to see.

My brother had his annual Christmas party Saturday night, so Jerold and I went to that for a bit and then it was Sunday. Alex had her first Christmas Program at church. She is quite the character. Her class sung 2 songs and had motions to go with them. Alex did great with the first song, but then one little boy decided to talk into the microphone and it was on from there. Alex would walk back and forth and push kids out of the way to make room for herself during the entire song. I believe I actually had tears from laughing so hard. That's my girl. She had a great time though. The whole program was cute.

Jerold got in some hunting this weekend. We are going up to Braidwood next weekend for my dad's birthday. I won a hunt up at Braidwood Lake Hunting Club. I am thinking that it will be a fun and entertaining experience for all of us. Jerold is the only one who has hunted goose. We'll just call him the veteran. Well, that is about it for now. Until next time.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Well, let's see...

Well, since my last post nothing too exciting has happened. Jerold learned that he will be laid off for about 2 months come February, Alex has a Christmas program coming up this weekend, and I still have a daycare full of kids. It is definitely getting closer to Christmas. The kids are getting antsy and talking about the "big guy" Santa. I found it rather entertaining listening to them. I am glad that they enjoy this time of year.

As I said before, Jerold found out Friday that he will be laid off for about 2 months come February. That has is so excited. So, now we are working out we were are going to do with him for that time. I could probably put him to work at the daycare, but then he may not come back. We will have to see. I am sure it will all work out someway.

Alex is excited about her Christmas Program. She keeps telling me about her friends ans the songs that they sing. Brings back memories of my days when I was singing in the choir. Fun! She is doing well though. We have been lucky so far and no one has gotten sick from last week. Hopefully we keep it that way.

Jerold has plans of going goose hunting this weekend. Hopefully he will do better than last weekend. Next weekend we are taking my dad goose hunting for his birthday. He is looking forward to it. It will be something different for him. I think that my brother Greg may be going to. I can honestly say that I think that it will be a fun and productive day. At least that is what I hope. Then we are having the Ruff family Christmas at my mom and dad's on Sunday next weekend. It will be a full weekend, but what weekend isn't this time of year.
Well, that is all I have to report for now. Have a wonderful weekend. Until next time...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Since last time...

It has been another busy week. We had a busy Turkey day. We went to my grandma's for noon and on to Peg and Stubby's for supper. Later on that night I went up to Huntley to do some shopping. The outlet mall opened at midnight for Christmas sales. Needless to say, I got quite a bit of my shopping done. I returned home at 5 a.m. and went straight to bed. It was a tired, but productive affair.

Jerold has been busy working and hunting. More the hunting though. It will be interesting to see how much work he has after the new year. I know that is a concern with most everyone anymore. Hopefully everything will turn out. The daycare is still going strong. I have a new little one starting after the first of the year. I am excited about that. It will definitely be a change for the business. I am looking at trying a few things different after the first of the year. Hopefully all of my plans will work out. We have had a couple of kids out this week with the flu and strep. Hopefully I have disinfected enough that no one else will get sick. Tis the Season.

Alex is doing well. She is getting ready for her Christmas program at Sunday school. She is really enjoying going to Sunday school. She says that all of the kids are her new best friends. The funny part is that I went to Sunday School with all of the kids parents, or at least half of them. She is starting to be more vocal also. She now sings the words to the songs. Before she would just listen and watch the other kids. Now she sings and does all of the actions. Granted we will have to see how she does at the program. Anyone interested in attending, it is at the Methodist church on Sunday, December 14th at 10:45 a.m. It is a whole service, but mostly full of the kids.

Well, that is about it for now. Until I have more to update. I hope that everyone has a wonderful week.