Saturday, January 17, 2009

Another week gone by

It has been a typical week here. Other than the cold weather, it has been an ordinary week. Last weekend Nikki, Kari and I went on a shopping trip to Huntley. It was quite some fun, especially the drive. There was quite a bit of snow up there. We made it safely though. Alex got a few outfits for the upcoming spring and also some larger ones for fall. Gotta love sales. Alex thought all of the clothes were cool. That is one of her new phrases. Everything is Cool!

Jerold is doing well. He is just waiting to see what is going to be happening with his job. Hopefully they will get things figured out soon and let everyone know. The daycare has been going well. A little bit of variety this week with school being out because of the cold. Hopefully they will get back into the swing this week. Routine is very much needed.

Jake is still growing. I have a feeling that he will not be stopping any time soon. I could not even guess right now how much he may weigh. Jerold is going to be taking him to the vet this week. Jake has been limping a bit, so we are going to get him checked out. Hopefully it is not anything serious. He has become quite the spoiled dog. He does not like to go outside too much anymore. I really wish that he would like the outdoors again. He is going to be a BIG dog.

This is a nice picture of Alex with her cousin Autumn. They just love each other so much. They are definitely 2 peas in a pod.
Well, I cannot think of much else for now. Until next time...

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Almost Friday!

Well, it has been quite a week. New Years did not go quite as planned. Jerold ended up with the flu and then Alex had it on Friday. They are both feeling much better now. I luckily have not gotten it. Thank goodness.
Alex spent the night at grandma and grandpa Meier's on New Years Eve. She had a great time. They had a slumber party in the living room with Paige and Grandma. The child did not go to bed until after the fireworks though. Talk about a long day on New Years. She was definitely a grouch. After she and her dad took naps, she was ready to go. We went and saw the new baby at the hospital. The Sancken's had their little girl on New Years Eve. She is just so sweet. It is hard to believe that Alex was that size at one time. Congratulations to the Sanckens. Alex is asking about daily to see the baby. She is on a baby kick again.
So, this week has gone by fairly slow. I am not sure why, but it just seems to drag. The kids are starting to get back into the swing of things. It has been a little rough getting everyone back into a routine. Two weeks off from school and routine can seriously mix things up. It is getting better though.
Saturday Alex is spending the day with Grandma Peg and Paige. Nikki, Kari, and I are going to go up to Huntley to go do a little shopping. Pretty much just return and exchange from Christmas. It should be a fun trip. The outlet mall there is pretty neat. It has a little bit of everything. Especially places for kids clothes. Hopefully everything will work out and the weather will cooperate. Saturday night and Sunday I think that we are just going to get caught up around the house and relax. Something that has not been done in quite a while. I am looking forward to that.
Well, that is about it. Hopefully everyone has a great weekend. Until next time...