Monday, October 27, 2008

Trick or Treat

Well, Alex got to go trick-or-treating for the first time on Sunday. We went with a couple of friends from Lexington. Let me tell you....IT WAS COLD. We went out for about an hour and that was it. I could not believe how many kids there were out with as cold as it was. I did take some pictures of the little princess to show. Doesn't she look beautiful....Anyways, she did pretty good for only being out for an hour. Just what we need, more candy.

Jerold got to go out and hunt this weekend. I also have a picture of his with his first ducks and geese for the season. I thought that I would share those with you also. He really enjoys his time hunting. At least he enjoys it when he is able to see the animals instead of spending his time site seeing. Alex gets excited when Jerold comes home with supper.

While we were in Lexington Alex tried on a few other costumes. They are not quite the ones that you would picture on a 3 year old, but she had fun. She got to dress up as a werewolf, football player, Michael Myers, and some really scary looking creature. At least she was not too freaked out by some of the costumes. I also have pictures of those. I would have to say that I like the princess dress much better. The dress is actually her flower girl dress from my brother Greg's wedding.

Well, it is on to another busy week at the daycare. Hopefully everyone will be healthy this week. Friday I am closing up shop early for trick-or-treating. Alex is looking forward to going out again. She will however be the princess. At least it sounds like the weather will be good for it. Hope everyone has a great week.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Well, it has been a little while since I have gotten this updated. Let's get started...Alex had her play date with her "boyfriend" a week ago. They had a great time. After the "date", Alex got to go for a ride in the combine. She was nervous at first, but then she thought that it was pretty cool. She keeps asking when Michael can come over again. She really likes spending time with him. Don't they just look so cute together.

Jerold is starting to get itchy for hunting season. Duck and Goose open on Saturday. He is very excited about this time of year. Hopefully he will have some good luck this year. I am actually going to go hunting a couple of times this year also. I am looking forward to it. Alex may even go a few times this year. We are going to see how well she handles it. Hopefully she won't think that daddy is killing her goose friends. Jerold is still hoping that things at work are going to pick up. They have 4 non-production days this month. This of course gives him more hunting time, but also not good on his vacation time. Oh well...

Alex is still growing like a weed. I went to some garage sales this weekend to look for some clothes for the growing child. I found a couple of outfits that are cute. Jerold's cousin sent some clothes over from her girls for Alex to try on also. That will help a bit also. My little girl just keeps growing. This picture is an outfit that Alex likes to wear to Sunday school. Aunt Sandy got it for Alex for her birthday. This is our "pink dress."

Speaking of growing...Jake is getting to be a big puppy. He goes back to the vet tomorrow for another round of puppy shots and a check up. He has probably gained another 10 pounds in the last 3 weeks. He just keeps on growing.

Well, the daycare is still going well. I have a full house. There really is not much else to update for right now. Hope everyone has a great week.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Another Week Gone By

Well, today is my Friday with the kids. I have a training to attend tomorrow for my DCFS hours. It is usually an interesting training. Alex gets to spend all day with my dad. She is excited about riding in Uncle Robby's truck. I think that they both will have a lot of fun. I am sure Autumn will be around in there sometime also.
Jerold has a few non production days this month, but he still has a job. The contract was signed finally. Talk about being stressed out and waiting. He will probably be hunting most of the days that he has off now that it is getting to be almost duck and goose season. He is still trying to get that deer for the freezer also. Only time will tell if that happens.
Alex is getting along well. She missed Sunday School last week because of so much going on. She is looking forward to going this weekend. I am glad that she enjoys it so much. She is looking forward to Saturday also. Her "boyfriend" is coming over for a play date. She cannot wait for Michael to come over. She has asked me everyday for the last month. We are making it work this weekend. She will then hopefully get to ride in a combine when we go to take Michael back. They are busy doing field work right now, so Alex can go for a ride with his mom and Michael after their play date. That part is a surprise.
Jake is still growing. I think he is part pony. He eats like he is starving and keeps on growing. He is really starting to enjoy being outside all day long. He has free reign. I got him a little bit of a longer cable so he now has more roaming room. He is sleeping all night for the most part and doing better about getting house broken. Hopefully soon he will be completely potty trained. Well, until next time...I will keep you updated as things come up.

Friday, October 3, 2008

It's Friday!

Well, it definitely has been one of those weeks. On a good note, it is Friday. We have a busy weekend in front of us this weekend. I am going to be involved in a hunter safety course on Saturday and Sunday at the Sportsman's Club. Alex is going to be having daddy time on Saturday and a play date on Sunday. Jerold is going to a trap shoot on Sunday in Fairbury. Somewhere in all of this I need to find the house for the next week.
Jake went to the vet yesterday for round 4 of his shots. He has gained 10 pounds in 3 weeks. The vet told Jerold that we are going to have a BIG dog. We already knew that, but she emphasized the word "BIG." Other than him eating like a horse and getting more playful everyday, he is doing great. If I can only get him to sleep until 6 a.m. that would be even better. He really likes being outside though.
I do not have any other news to update you with, so I will try to keep everyone updated as things come up. Hope everyone has a great weekend.